| Program (UPDATED) | Registration | Accommodations | Travel |
| Statement of Professional Conduct | Amy J. Elias Award | Co-Sponsors |
| F.A.Q. | Restaurant Guide for College Park |

Logo: ASAP11: Eleventh Meeting of the Association for the Study of the Arts of the Present

The Hotel at The University of Maryland
7777 Baltimore Ave
College Park, MD 20740
Questions: asap11.umd@gmail.com


This is the most updated version of the ASAP/11 program. (Last updated October 9, 2019.)


To register for the conference, you need to be a member of ASAP. You can register for the conference and become a member at this site. When you register, you’ll receive a payment confirmation email from jrnlcirc@press.jhu.edu.


The Hotel at The University of Maryland is the official conference hotel. Almost all conference-related events will occur at The Hotel. Other events will be located nearby on the UMD campus. We strongly encourage all conference attendees to stay at The Hotel. We’ve reserved a block of rooms at a conference rate (starting at $139 per night) from Wednesday through Saturday night. You can reserve rooms at the conference rate at this link. Rooms at the conference rate will fill up quickly.


UMD is located in Prince George’s County, Maryland, just north of Washington DC and 30 miles south from Baltimore. UMD and The Hotel are easily accessible by car, rail, and air. For detailed instructions on how to plan your trip, please visit UMD’s Maps and Directions site.

Statement of Professional Conduct

ASAP is committed to exploring the richness and diversity of the international contemporary arts as well as the critical methodologies used to elucidate them.

ASAP welcomes all forms of innovative or established scholarship that have as their primary purpose the advancement of learning about the contemporary arts. We are predicated on the reality that the contemporary arts operate globally through the interaction of persons, cultures, systems of distribution, and translations of values. We also strongly support local articulations that may contest such circulation and encourage groundbreaking scholarship as well as fellowship and scholarly interaction among its constituents.


In the interest of human flourishing and the free creation and dissemination of ideas, as a community we are opposed to:

Based upon these principles, ASAP is committed to hosting conference and symposia that are inclusive and welcoming for all. In consequence, participants, exhibitors and organizers in ASAP events are required to abide by the principles listed above. The following behaviors are unacceptable at ASAP events:

We ask speakers to frame discussions in terms as open, respectful and inclusive as possible. In the interest of maintaining an atmosphere of academic freedom we ask speakers not to refrain from engaging controversial materials. At the same time, please be thoughtful of the effect that language or images may have on others.

All members participating in conferences and symposia, online venues (including engagement with our social media accounts) and ASAP-related social events agree to follow these guidelines. Attendees asked to stop a hostile or harassing behavior are expected to comply immediately. Please report any physical assault or threats to the local police department. We invite conference participants to approach any member of the ASAP Motherboard to report any breach of this Code of Conduct. Behavior in breach of this Code of Conduct is not welcome and will not be tolerated, and may jeopardize a member’s good standing in the organization.

Adapted from the ASAP Constitution and the guidelines of the Modern Language Association and the American Library Association.

Amy J. Elias Award

The Motherboard of ASAP is pleased to invite applications for the Amy J. Elias Founders Award, which offers conference travel support to independent artists, graduate students, and non-tenure track faculty for whom it may be difficult to pay for conference attendance. The Motherboard of ASAP is pleased to invite applications for the Amy J. Elias Founders Award, which offers conference travel support to independent artists, graduate students, and non-tenure track faculty for whom it may be difficult to pay for conference attendance. As a key component of the ASAP mission to bring together practicing artists and scholars for meaningful discussion, facilitating travel to ASAP conferences and symposia was part of Amy Elias’s founding vision for the Association. Due to the generosity of our membership and the success of our initial fundraising efforts, we are able to fund at least four awards this year for $250 each to support travel to ASAP/11 at the University of Maryland, College Park (October 10-12, 2019).

To apply for the award, please send an email to ygoyal@humnet.ucla.edu with the following information.


The deadline for consideration will be October 2, 2019 at 5pm PST. Award winners will be notified soon thereafter.


University of Maryland, College Park Co-sponsors

Department of English; Bebe Koch Petrou Speaker Series; Center for Literary and Comparative Studies; College of Arts and Humanities; Division of Research; Graduate Certificate in Digital Studies in the Arts and Humanities; Department of African American Studies; Department of American Studies; Department of Art History and Archaeology; Department of French and Italian; Department of Russian; Program in Film Studies; Department of Germanic Studies, Department of Spanish and Portuguese; Department of Women's Studies; U.S. Latina/o Studies Program; David C. Driskell Center for the Study of the Visual Arts and Culture of African Americans and the African Diaspora.

With Additional Support From

Department of English at Georgetown University, Association of Literary, Scholars, Critics, and Writers (ALSCW), Johns Hopkins' Department of Comparative Thought and Literature, Department of Literature at American University.


To have frequently asked questions answered, read this handy F.A.Q.

Restaurant Guide for College Park

Here is a guide for dining options near College Park.

Logo: College of Arts & Humanities at the University of Maryland


Copyright 2019 University of Maryland. All rights reserved.
University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, USA / Phone 301.405.3185
Contact us with comments, questions and feedback